Sap Gui 7.5

I am following SAP Community Blogs (@sapCommBlogs) twitter account and got a tweet on SAP GUI for Java 7.5 yesterday. I understood that SAP GUI 7.5 is also available to download and install. Yes, it was released on 4th of May and ready for downloading. SAP GUI is the graphical user interface client in SAP ERP's 3-tier architecture of database, application server and client.It is software that runs on a Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh or Unix desktop, and allows a user to access SAP functionality in SAP applications such as SAP ERP and SAP Business Information Warehouse (BW).


  • Is SAP GUI 7.6 supported by Crystal Reports?
  • What version of SAP GUI, does Crystal Reports support?
  • On a computer where the SAP GUI 7.6 is installed, it fails to connect to SAP BW from Crystal Reports.


  • SAP Crystal Reports 2013
  • SAP Crystal Reports 2016
  • SAP Crystal Reports 2020
  • SAP GUI 7.4
  • SAP GUI 7.5
  • SAP GUI 7.6

Sap Gui 7.5 Vs 7.6


  • Crystal Reports 2020 does not rely on the version of SAP GUI installed on the local computer to connect to SAP Data Sources, therefore you can have any version of SAP GUI installed on the same computer.
  • Crystal Reports 2013, 2016 support the following version of SAP GUI:
    • SAP GUI 7.6
      • Crystal Reports 2016 - Support Pack 07 and higher.
    • SAP GUI 7.5
      • Crystal Reports 2013 - Support Pack 12 and higher.
      • Crystal Reports 2016 - Support Pack 05 - Patch 100 and higher.
    • SAP GUI 7.4
      • Crystal Reports 2013 - Support Pack 11 and lower.
      • Crystal Reports 2016 - Support Pack 05 and lower.
  • For reference, see the Crystal Reports supported platforms documents: 2859510


CR, SAP Logon, SAPGUI , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Problem


SAP Crystal Reports 2013 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2016 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2020

Sap Gui 7.50 Free Download

Update: In the meantime, the final version is available.

Sap Gui 7.50 Download Link

Hello SAP GUI for Java users,

In addition to bug fixes, the quarterly updates of SAP GUI for Java 7.50 have been including many improvements like support for new OS versions, the switch to OpenJDK, support for Java 11, the inclusion of the Java runtime in the installer and just recently a new component for rendering PDF content.

Sap Gui 7.50 Patch

Doing all this as part of updates ensured the fastest possible adoption, which was critical in particular in the case of OpenJDK to address the new license of the Oracle JDK.

All these changes were smooth and non-disruptive and therefore possible in a maintenance release.

Now, some necessary changes are on the way, that are disruptive. So a new major release is required.

The upcoming SAP GUI for Java 7.70 will require Java 11 as a minimum. This results in dropping support for all 32-bit environments, since SapMachine only supports 64-bit platforms. Also Java 11 does not provide a Java plug-in for browsers required for running Java applets in the browser. Therefore SAP GUI for Java 7.70 will not be able to run embedded in a browser.

But, this new release is not only for dropping anachronistic environments and functionality, but also for introducing new features.

  • Themes
    • Quartz: Quartz Light, Quartz Dark as well as the High Contrast Black (HCB) and High Contrast White (HCW) versions provide a Fiori-like user experience. While Quartz Light can be considered the successor of Belize, Quartz Dark is the first theme for working in low light environments.
      The new Quartz HCB replaces the old High Contrast theme based on Signature Design for users with visual impairment. Users who need a high contrast theme but are not glared by a bright background also can use the new HCW theme. This theme is also helpful for working in bright environments like outdoor.
    • Belize: The previous Fiori theme is included as well.
    • SAP GUI for Java keeps the classic screen metrics and window layout for compatibility reasons.
    • The outdated themes Corbu and the original High Contrast theme based on Signature Design have been removed.
  • High Resolution Icons
    • When using one of the new themes, for session windows and all local dialogs the icons are displayed with high resolution to support HiDPI displays.
  • Installer
    • In addition to the jar based installers, new installers with a native launcher stub are available, which no longer need a preinstalled Java runtime.
  • Keyboard navigation:
    • Keyboard navigation has been reviewed, some controls not having keyboard support before have been made accessible using the keyboard.
  • Focus Visualization:
    • Now also the dotted focus can display an animated focus change.
    • The visualization of the focus in high contrast themes has been improved.
  • Preferences Dialog
    • The preferences dialog has been modernised for the new themes.
  • Documentation:
    • The manual has been reviewed and is available on the SAP Help Portal.
    • A new document for keyboard access with a description for each UI element has been added.

The release of SAP GUI for Java 7.70 is planned for spring 2021 (aka “fiori” season).

Sap Gui 7.50 Support

As outlined in the other post, there will be a beta program for early adopters.

Sap Gui 7.5 Download

Best regards,

Sap Gui 7.5

Rolf-Martin Wörsinger
Product Owner SAP GUI for Java