Nonmem License Cost

Nonmem License Cost

  1. Nonmem License Cost Calculator
  2. How Much Does The License Cost
  3. Nonmem License Cost
  4. Nonmem License Cost California

Nonmem License Cost Calculator

All the best – don’t travel to much, wash your hands, and stay healthy!

PsN, which stands for Perl‐speaks‐NONMEM, is a collection of Perl modules and programs that assists in the development of nonlinear mixed effect models using NONMEM. Some of the functions include providing solutions to a parameter estimate extraction from output files, ensuring data file sub settings, and resampling.

  1. The user is responsible for obtaining and maintaining this license and software. NONMEM licenses can be obtained from Icon Development Solutions. Graphics Engine: R (free download at is required in conjunction with PLT Tools to run NONMEM, organize folders and files, perform statistics and create graphics.
  2. HUNT DATES COST Muzzleloader Mule Deer-Private Land Only 2 September 8-11, 2018 $3,000.00 Rifle Mule Deer-Private land Only 2 November 3-7, 2018 $6,000.00 Pronghorn NO.OF PERMITS HUNT DATES COST Muzzleloader Pronghorn-Private Land Only 2 September 21-23, 2018 $3,000.00 State License Fees: Hunter is responsible for the payment of License.
  3. HUNT DATES COST Muzzleloader Mule Deer-Private Land Only 2 September 8-11, 2018 $3,000.00 Rifle Mule Deer-Private land Only 2 November 3-7, 2018 $6,000.00 Pronghorn NO.OF PERMITS HUNT DATES COST Muzzleloader Pronghorn-Private Land Only 2 September 21-23, 2018 $3,000.00 State License Fees: Hunter is responsible for the payment of License.

WCoP2020 Workshop:

WCoP, April 6th Monday, 08:00-17:00
Location: Conference venue

How Much Does The License Cost

Workshop Description

IntiQuan is running a full day hands-on workshop on NLME modeling workflow from data exploration, parameter estimation, and reporting in the R environment using our IQR Tools R package. The major topics covered are:

  • Data exploration with graphs and summary tables
  • Defining structural model and parameter estimation settings (including IIV/BSV, covariance, and covariate models)
  • NLME parameter estimation in NONMEM, MONOLIX, and NLMIXR
  • Model evaluation based on goodness-of-fit plots and VPCs
  • Model simulation
  • Reporting

After the workshop, the participants will be able to set up their own NLME workflow using IQR Tools to: explore the modeling dataset, perform parameter estimation in supported NLME tools, and evaluate parameter estimation results. Furthermore, participants will be able to generate a short report in Microsoft Word.

The workshop is divided into two parts. In the first part, a basic PK modeling workflow will be introduced. The second part is a hands-on exercise in which the basic workflow will be applied to a PKPD model development. The participants will need to modify and extend the prepared R scripts under the supervision of the presenters. No prior knowledge of neither NONMEM, MONOLIX, nor NLMIXR is required. Basic knowledge of NLME modeling and R is of advantage. All material (slides, example models, R code, required R libraries, and additional software) will be shared with the participants prior to the workshop.

For participating in the hands-on part of the workshop, a laptop with an R installation is required. The parameter estimation can be performed either with NONMEM or MONOLIX, hence, either of these tools should be installed. A trial license for MONOLIX will be provided to participants who wish to use MONOLIX. Part of the examples can also be run with the open-source and freely available NLMIXR R package instead. Ideally, IQR Tools should be installed and parameter estimation software should be linked in the IQR Tools setup before the workshop. Participants will receive detailed and easy to follow installation instructions before the workshop and are encouraged to contact the presenters for support to setup IQR Tools on their system, if needed. Note that administrator rights are needed for some steps of the installation process (NONMEM and MONOLIX), so the complete installation during the workshop might not be possible.

Nonmem license cost california

Workshop location:

Link to conference venue:


The regular workshop fee is 500 EUR for industry, 300 EUR for academia/government/non-profit, and 100 EUR for students. This includes workshop material and coffee break. Payment is done via the WCOP page.

Nonmem License Cost


Nonmem License Cost California

Monday, 6th April, 2020
08:00-08:15Welcome and IntroductionAnne Kümmel
  • IQR Tools concepts and capabilities
  • Model description and data formatting
  • PK workflow overview
  • Data exploration in graphs and summary tables
Anne Kümmel
10:00-10:15Coffee break
  • NLME parameter estimation in NONMEM, MONOLIX, and NLMIXR
  • Generation of model diagnostics and model development tables
  • Generation of VPCs and other simulations from the data
  • Automatic reporting of modeling and simulation results in Microsoft Word
Anne Kümmel
  • Introduction to a PKPD modeling example
  • Hand-on exercise:
    • Data exploration and base model building
Anne Kümmel
15:00-15:15Coffee break
  • Exploration of diagnostic plots and setting up covariate and covariance model
  • Generation of VPC of final model
  • Generation of Modeling Memo
Anne Kümmel
16:45-17:00Wrap-up and concluding remarksAnne Kümmel